- Room KIII
Holistic geoscientific capacity building for responsibly local value creation – Project experiences from Namibia and Mauritania
Improving mining benefits for producing countries and regions is a key interest in many resource-rich countries. The creation of local value chains is therefore a key concern of governments and development partners of BMZs raw material projects. BGR has extensive experience in supporting governments to create geoscientific knowledge and administrative structures in order to support the private sector to get engaged in raw material value chains. In this session BGR project managers from Mauritania and Namibia discussed strategies, challenges and solutions they found in collaboration with local partners in order to create local benefits from the mining sector.
Dr. Wibke Crewett, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, (BGR), Multidisciplinary capacity building in the international raw materials‘ sector – embedded approaches by BGR
Martin Quinger, BGR, Capacity Building and Digitalization: Raw Material Sector Potential Assessment in Namibia GSN-BGR-Project Sustainable Use of Namibias Mineral Potential
Omar Jatlaoui, BGR, From Potential Assessment to Local Value Creation in Mauritania: Support of the non-metallic mining sector in Mauretania
- Nicolas Maennling, Principal Advisor of the Regional Cooperation for the Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources in the Andean Region Programme (MinSus), GIZ