

Implementing a Responsible Mine Closure and a Just Transition in the “Global South” – insights from the Sustainability Nexus Perspectives on Coal Phaseout and the BGR MinSus Project

This session discussed challenges and solutions regarding the implementation of responsible mine closure and a Just Transition in the Global South. Assuring that supply chains of minerals for the energy transition are responsible also includes assuring that these mines will be closed responsibly. In the same vein, the phase-out of coal must be conducted in a way that addresses environmental challenges beyond climate action, including the legacies of mining for soil and water resources and considering the needs of local populations and economies. This session illustrated the opportunities and challenges of a timely, just, and sustainable coal phase-out as well as experiences on responsible mine closure in the Andean region from a development cooperation perspective.


  • Andrés Ángel, United Nations University, (UNU) FLORES, Coal phaseout across the Global South: experiences from Colombia, Indonesia, Mozambique and South Africa 
  • Prof. Alexey Alekseenko, UNU FLORES, Preparing the coal phaseout in India: recent progress and remaining challenges (virtual)
  • Franziska Stölzel, UNU FLORES, Coal phaseout in Lusatia: environmental and socio-economic implications 
  • Achim Constantin, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, (BGR), Responsible Mine Closure in the Andean Region (video message)


  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Karthe, UNU FLORES